Wednesday, November 5, 2008

this night this day this celebration


even the bartender’s dancing

i am also dancing my ass off

pronouncing GOBAMA!

uncaringly joyously, nerdily to everyone who passes my way

what’s happening here?

is it christmas’ true meaning coming early this year?

tomorrow today morning is barack-obama day-off!

a moment

from the plaguing questions

will he, won’t he?

to answer

this one precious night,

tomorrow’s one precarious sun and moon,

our troubles can be put aside

tonight the planet (at least) dances with us

how can I possibly overstate the nature of this day’s celebration?

this one which had to happen first, to dump the fear that it may never really happen

today's the day

who eye? i

call me anything you want to

negro, colored, black, sensitive

go on with your slurs – if you think even they’ll do anyone anything

the power our unity has rendered

today these words will never hurt us

we are drunk with the height of standing one inch taller*

high, our rainbowed spectrum spinning glittering joy

from all of the autumned hued peoples

we are, one night—

and for a change in the atmosphere—

in a healthier state of mind

this night morbid fiscal worries will wait...

what bombings wars ethnic cleansings

what scary terrorists stories?

what pain of injustice?

unemployment, urban sprawl,

what first what second class citizenship

which people criminalized

modern day slavery? what segregations?

what empty promises?

what, where’s my mule and can I perhaps maybe just get even the smallest acre?

though – surely – the circle has not been rounded

another, a significant layer of healing from that heinous institution

which anglo friends

with various and logically evidenced ideas of rigging, conspiracy

refusing to see that sometimes even

the powers that be

can’t dam this tidal joy

we muslim hindu buddist arab south asian hidden others
(especially muslim)

today forgive our new leader’s campaign’s little black lie

we get the joke

hopeful the hawk-stands are made of the same righteous cunning

today little black children AND little white children

tiny tell me who they are voting for – barack obama

today my gorgeous brilliant sisters and i

in silks and sexi-fitting jeans, highest heels

and love lives we can’t quite get right

look upon that wide smile

and, reminded of our lovers, brothers

let go the burden of regret bitterness disappointment

for a minimum of 56% of american females and 51% of her males**

even true love becomes possible this promising day

mothers fathers and grandest parents

express their hope through worry

uttering sheltering prayers of protection for their newly heroed son

giant on screen today michelle malia sasha

their triple-handed miracle
instantly evolves the whole world’s standards of beautiful, pretty, american, normal

today the lonely black girl fashion plate

is joined by sisters and sisters again – tokenized exoticized no more

today the royal fleet has been conquered

the dark chocolate covered golden ticket unwrapped

today let’s all disrobe our emperor’s clothes

unpunch a time clock

hug a many-flavored tree

today we are reminded again that nothing ever happens except

in its own time

in its own place

and when the purpose has perfectly ripened

tonight we let go our fears of thievery

tonight we are the champions (thank you freddy mercury)

tonight we are that which we have been seeking

the space

the deep and clear breath


tonight on canal street by the chicago river

a man with an apparently cardboard reality

with needs far greater than what he is pleading

than what i have to give

dropped me

hypocritical and guiltily, to the usual wary state of mental existence

for a little while down

but still hopeful

and taking this one day off from

my own imprisoned cynicism




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